Wednesday, May 26, 2004

What intellectual?

I went to a talk on how intellectuals can contribute to the politics in Malaysia last Monday. Was so tired that I took a nap and managed to wake up before the thing ended. While there are interesting aspects of the talk, one of the speakers ramble a bit too much. Nothing particularly new, and I am particularly disappointed with the level of Q&A session. It seems that there are people who can't differentiate between activism and intellectual activities, and how each can feed into the other, instead of trying to make one the other. While it is easy to just attack the system, a system remains a dead thing as long as there are no people to run it. People need to be mobilised and need to achive a sort of maturity for any democratic machine to be mature. As long as constituencies themselves are immature, I doubt any amount of activism will help. People are intellectually lazy by nature. The question is, how do you motivate them to be interested? And how do you keep the level of debate from falling down the pits and remaining at such a low level as to never ever effect change?

Ok, I am rambling too much here

Recently, I have been engaged in some debate on academic publishing online, especially that pertaining to third world nations. Many debates that go on in first world nations often ignore the lack of options of poverty-stricken nations. Albeit, you could argue that poor nations should find means to fend for themselves before engaging in any academic mongering. Well, you aren't too wrong. But this divide will never go away and the playing field levelled as long as we selfishly believe that only we the 'haves' should have the right to engage in cultural or intellectual activities, while poor people shouldn't and just be satisfied with living from day to day.

Here are the two opinions I have posted and you can read others' responses and opinions on the site

I haven't been doing as much work this week as I should. I seem to feel rather restless. Less tired today, which is why I can blog. (:

Going to sound more frivolous now and ask

"How many of you think that manicures and pedicures are a necessity? How often would you do that? Would you do it yourself or pay others to do it?"

"How often do you give your hair a nice and replenishing treatment?"

A word of advice to myself :have more compassion and be nicer

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