Travelling to work everyday, close to 30kms everyday (one way), to the south of Selangor, near the borders of Negeri Sembilan, acquaints me with the various vehicles that follow the same route. Sometimes, you will meet with the same motorcycles cars commuting between KL and Negeri Sembilan should you be travelling within the same hour.
One of the most disturbing sight for me up to now, would be old fashion lorries which are still using exremely hazardous gas inducing engines and pipes. Should you be unfortunate enough to travel behind a lorry in a two-wheeler, or three-wheeler, you will be choked by the amount of concentrated carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide produced, slowly poisoned and left to die a slow and painful death before old age. It is time that the country allows individuals to sue lorry companies that repeatedly refuse to update their lorries into engines that consume fuel more efficiently and give off less poisonous products to the hapless trees and biosphere it happens to inhabit.
We need to take action and bombard the Ministry of Entrepreneurial and Cooperation Development with our complains so that they will stop issuing permits to companies that steadfastly REFUSE to do anything about their poisonous moving trucks.
Can any enlighten reader point me to a website that contains the latest information on smoke emissions and its impact on the environment? I would like to write a letter to this Ministry and put forward my complaint. Is anyone doing it already?
Start today and take down all the LKPK numbers of lorries that you see emitting horrible amount of smoke and submit them to the LKPK complaints bureau. Website is give in the link above.