Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Some interesting links and food for thought

For any would-be historian interested in the May 13, 1969 incident in Malaysia (there is more that could be said about it), and who would like to add their two cents, Wikipeadie offers such an option

I've read this interesting article in Malaysiakini about Cyberjaya and what its semiotical implication. I am working in Cyberjaya now and can see it for what it really is, and this article will definitely enlighten the drones working/not working in this 'pastoral' techie 'haven'. Not wanting to divest Malaysiakini of its earnings, I suggest that you pay a few ringgit of subscription (for one month/day) and go read it.After all, you can afford to spend ringgits on a cup of cappuccino.

For readers from other countries, Cyberjaya is a satellite township created by the Malaysian government in their impatience to promote a township governed by high-end technology and multi-media facilities. It has now become a wasteland of 'high-tech' factories and building grounds for cost-cutting multinationals who want to take advantage of its 'flexible' offerings, usually to the detriment of the poor employees, with a mortgage and car to pay off