Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mind control?

This is highly interesting, for certain, because of the many people who believe in the conspiracy theory about the Jews seeking world-dominion. All because some of the wealthiest people in this world have Jewish blood or roots. However, wouldn't it make you question what they have done right?. After all, having been historical scapegoats in many societies tend to make you less risk averse. There are a lot of wealthy people in Asia too, but when you think of it, closely, you will realise that they seldom have the edge that many of these monied 'Jews' have, which is the control over intellectual and creative powers and property of the world.

A power to exert influence and change mindsets (or shape them)
And not all these people are evil, mendacious bastards/bitches. Btw, did you realise that Virago is a name of a Feminist press (which is mentioned in this online document) that has published quite a number of famous feminist treatises and writings? Just do search. One of them was a book I used quite a bit in my dissertation, The Haunting of Sylvia Plath.

Here is the site. Perhaps its tone borders on the hysterical, its more factual statements are worthy of note, like the names people mentioned as the who's who in the media/publishing industry. I realise how easy it is to criticise others when we ourselves are afraid to go where they have gone, whatever their original intentions might be. While a critic is useful as a check and sounding board, one must also remember that it is always easier to tear down the efforts of another, find faults with them than to build something from scratch. When one criticise others, appreciate also the difficulties that they might have to go through. However, if a criticism is sincere rather than merely vituperative/vicious, it itself provides an informative take on the subject it tackles, and even exposes the slovenliness of the work's originator/creator. And good criticism is an accomplished art form. Not very many people are great critics of the world, remembered long after their bylines have ceased or their voices mere echoes.

On a more personal note, after the exhaustion, slump and post-dissertation depression (that set in for a few days last week) which made everything seemed so very bleak, I have finally regained my energy (thanks to yoga) and can now march forward in planning my new purpose in life. (: