I find it hard to understand why should NST be issued a show cause letter just because it published this little comic satire of Wiley Miller. It seems that we never learn from history, but just go on and on repeating the same mistakes of our forefathers (unfortunately for us, the leaders of today are spawns of those very same forefathers). Read the rest of the explanation on NST here. I do not believe that NST need to apologise and I think it is mendacious for the Informations Minister to arm-twist it into doing so.
In many ways, NST has become more interesting and newsworthy in the last few months, and it is sad if it has to regress back to a former shadow of its recent past.
I tried looking for the cartoon in the Feb 20th issue of NST's Life&Times but failed to locate it. Can someone tell me whether it might had been in the 13th Feb issue?
Strictly speaking, I think Malaysians in general lack the ability to understand satire, and it kinda shows how we have not moved much, intellectually, from our mud-racking days.
Fathi Omar Aris does an interesting dissection of this issue in his latest blog entry.