Thursday, May 11, 2006

There is always something to it is up to you to find the time.

I haven't completely settled at my new place, though am beginning to get used to it. It is actually a lot more comfortable than the previous one, though sometimes I feel like a intruder, because I am now a tenant as oppose to a resident :d

I also need to start working on my writing again, as it has taken a backseat with my house-moving. Last weekend, I spent most of my time reading, and tidying up my room further. At least the latter is settled, and I needed to do that reading to get myself back into the right frame of mind. And also the palpable tension of having to wait for the results of my MA to come to fore. The meeting to determine its fate has been postponed for another week, so I may as well not bother to think about it and spend my time thinking about the short story I was half-way writing.

I'd submitted two stories, and am waiting to hear about them, though am not sure what the reception for them would be like.

On a different note, there is a lot of brouhaha regarding the banning of Amir Muhammad's documentary on Chin Peng, the former leader of the since disbanded Parti Komunis Malaya. I wrote a letter on that, with reference also to the misunderstood Sepet and Gubra (though those films are so much like an advertisement in some sense - I caught previews of them here and there - that it should not by right be misread so completely by the "esteemed" critics. But then, this is Malaysia, so go figure). If you want to read it, it's at Nizam Zakaria's limaunipis blog. It's in Malay. I have sent it to a few publications and I do hope it would be published, real soon, though it's hard to say. Let me know what you think of my comments, whether they are tenable, or am I prematurely regurgitating my ideas...

Oh, there are some links in that blog, and in this blog that are in English so visitors who do not know the Malay Language will still get a gist of the issue.

Currently reading this book "Asian Branding: A great Way To Fly" by Ian Batey during the lull hours at work. I've reserved fiction reading for my hours at home so that I could savour the characters without being distracted. (:

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