Monday, July 17, 2006

Physics of Philosophy Pt 3 - resource listing

Just some resources I'll like to include in this post. I've been reading news from this site since my undergrad days, though it has been awhile since I've visited it (though I get news update sent me via email). So here it is

Some writings of Niels Bohr

Something for the literary person wanting to study the written production of scientists and the science community

Literary science historian?

This is something which I wish the arts and humanities community has:

This is the issue of Open Access that will actually enliven the debate in the humanities scholarly community. Perhaps as a place to test the ground for your ideas, especially if the idea presents a radical approach to something well-worn. Apparently Princeton is doing something like that for the Classics.

Ok, I better narrow down my research topic. For now, it's back to the 'day job' :/

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