Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A new step

Working in a brand communications and design house, I am slowly learning to appreciate the finer details of design that tend to escape the untrained eye. Though I would had frequent such places more often two years ago than I would now (mainly because I travelled a lot more back then and also because I entered more fancy restaurants than I do now), when I look at pictures of them again, or when I have to enter such places for work reasons (since we deal a lot with property related projects), I will look at everything presented, from the design of the menu and napkin all the way to its bathrooms/powder-rooms (the latter for really exclusive restaurants). I also noticed that even the most exclusive (Read expensive and classy) restaurants have moved away from Old-world, mahagony, oak-panelled decor to more funky, edgy and contemporary sleek, in the name of sophistication and accessibility. Check out the restaurant designs of world-class hospitality interior designer, Adam Tihany, though I must confess, I like some of the designs better than others (I suppose the photographs didn't quite do them that much justice).

On a different note, Wallpaper magazine is full of interesting (though not always to my taste) designs. And the guy who founded it is going to be in Singapore in Nov, amongsts other luminaries. I bought an issue last Feb and was pretty blown away by the visuals of the designs presented, and I have to confess, it was also my first encounter with many edgy designs that are famous among the more savvy. :D I wonder if the boss will so kindly sponsor us to that conference again...the luminaries I met last year were inspiring.

And the best news is, I am taken off a job that's been the bane of my life, not temporarily, but for good. That's a cause for celebration *does the jig around the office when boss is not looking*
I suppose I can use some of the stuff I've written for this prematurely terminated job as samples of my "health-related writing" for future prospecting clients). Drop me a note if anyone reading this is interested. :)

Anyway, since I've just finished with a TV ad, I think I'll go back to some more serious reading/writing while I await my next assignment. If you will excuse me...

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