Saturday, February 02, 2008

Day of judgment

I haven't had much time to write here lately, despite my new year resolution, due to the amount of writing which I have to do for work (and of course, a lot of number crunching).
I haven't had time to read much either, except this art book which I have bought years ago as a student, but never had time to read until last week. I will talk more about that in a later post.

Today, I want to write about something which had been bothering me for some time. About religion, hypocrisy and acceptable behaviour.

You know what I mean. That feeling that you cannot be yourself for fear of repercussions. The feeling that you are exposed to judgment from those who professes the same faith (for some, it is a faith forced upon them rather than one sincerely embraced), the need to keep up a particular image or appearance and the strong desire to do something that is considered against societal norms, the need to hide that behind a facade and to do that which is acceptable to the majority.

Sometimes, this need to be accceptable may force one to live in denial. It also causes you to build barriers and bigotry around yourselves.

When others confront you with this issue, you explode in anger and deny that this is you.

Sometimes, for many, it is easier to maintain a facade than to rock the boat, especially when rocking the boat may mean social sanction, and worse, death.

Ah, life is an uphill political battle and power struggle!

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