Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Despite taking a break from work yesterday to sort ouf some problems at university, I found myself running around and busier than if I had been at work. The upside to it, I managed to get myself a traditional treatment massage that leaves my body feeling simultaneously sore and relaxed. And got my MyKad application done. Imagine the wait involved. I could have written an article during the wait. (:

So, back at work today, waiting for a product to come in for me to work on. Boring tax stuff, but then, the longer it takes to come, the more likely is it to interrupt my vacation plans in April. Anyhow, I am taking off for the entire final week of that month, whatever happens. Need to get a few overdued things sorted out. Like making that long-delayed trip to Singapore.

Today, I find myself multi-tasking as usual, simulltaneously reading postings about the effect of anaesthesia on conscioussness and Sohn-Rethel on Marxist theories. Talk about interconnected schizophrenia.

This is for the math and physics geeks out there (I am still a bit one of one, despite having defected over to the humanties).

How do I ever end up in dead-end work. (:

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