Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sex, Love and Companionship

Does marriage provide that? Maybe, but perhaps not enough. It is always a wonder to me why sex is considered such a taboo subject (when a huge percentage of the world's population are doing it) and when scandals of a phenomena size have all involved sex of some sort.

So, why the faux-prudishness when one talks about sex and sex positions in a tabloid? After all, everyone can read about it everywhere else. And do you think reading about sex is the only reason why it has aroused such interest? Obviously, the people denying sexuality in a human either are frigid to the point of being in deep-freeze, or have a problematic relationship with their sexuality.

So, now we have the political analyst who is probably a lover of the presumably dead model, most probably unbeknown to his wife. Doesn't matter whether he has fathered the child or killed her off to silent her. The thing is, he has a wife, and now, as we found out, a lover. Is it a bad thing? Has he cheated on his wife (whom he must have married for more than 19 years, since he has a daughter of 19)? How does she feel about that? Is she in denial or is she merely putting on a staunch face? If it is true that he was really the lover, his wife will have to put on a brave face IN PUBLIC, which is difficult since this is Malaysia that we're talking about, where everything is about having face and "moral" values. If she's been confident of his fidelity, what is her faith now? But if the wife knew about his lover, why did this analyst, whose name you can now see plastered over the papers, be avoiding the possibly murdered, beautiful model? I knew of him slightly due to his ties to some of my former bosses.

Sex governs all. Why deny it? You can use religion to argue your face black and blue, you can call yourself a religious person of all stripe, does it make you a less sexual person? And as was written of yore, youth attracts beauty and sex. Age difference no longer matter where attraction is concerned, as long as both parties are willing.

Self-control can be difficult when the attraction is high. How many is willing to break away and run from such a situation?

So, why even insist on fidelity? Why use religion to coerce fidelity? Why not make it socially acceptable each partner draw up their own prenuptial agreement, including that governing extra-marital affairs. And is there a point for men and women (mostly women) to continously dream idealistically about true and one love that will chain their partner? It is true that such relatinships exist, but why kid yourself when you know your marriage to someone is based less on that than you secretly think?

And I wonder what has the daughter of the analyst responded to the situation? It will certainly be tough on the progeny, what with a censuring, self-righteous society such as ours.

P.S On an unrelated note, how did the police know exactly from the special force to arrest, when they've not even properly conducted the investigation? I wonder...

Chronicles an event that made the headlines of Malaysian newspapers

This was what got the Weekend MAlay Mail in hot soup
More news on it
(I like this particular report because it actually points to the living contradiction that is Malaysia)

(I don't think anyone wil be distressed by this article, and the only person shocked by it would be someone who, to go by the Malaysian proverb, lives under the coconut shell.)

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