...from the cyberhome of Clarissa Lee
I am back to my habit of irregular postings. I am sorry. It is just that so many things have been on my mind lately, that when I write, I prefer to do so offline, save for a few emails I send out, or messages I leave for friends. I have much and also none to write about my rather boring condition at this point. I said that I would talk more about my current job. I have put in some hints here and there but there has been nothing substantial. I promise I will get right to it sometime next week, once I delivered my final drafts to my supervisor, and cajole her into seeing me for one of the drafts that is still with her (due to some fluke).
Even as I am typing this, I am taking a break from editing my Chapter 4. Seeing how my months and free time had mostly been taken up with correcting proofs after proofs of my dissertation. I am gonna be at a lost once the damn thing is delivered, nicely bound, to my faculty. I know that there are lots of things waiting for me. Just that, I have no idea how to start, having procrastinated them for so long. I guess I'll take a week or two of break (depending on how quickly I can plan for my new life) to strategise. It is just that I have been a perpetual student for so long (despite the few months break in between undergrad and my masters, and another one I took in between semesters two years ago, when I went abroad for the first time for the entire month), even while I have been working at a number of different jobs for some income, and to be financially independent (I paid for my semester's fees on my own for the first time this semester, and it is the last semester to boot).I will soon be paying for my examination fees the next semester so that they will get some external examiner to look at my piece of work. I hope! Them bloody politicos at the university, with their timidity and fear of looking below standard, has been my bane for years. I would be glad to be rid of them once this ordeal is over. Only supportive person so far within the system, other than a few lecturers I have had, is my supervisor. Even then, there isn't too much she can do. what with those power hungry goons around. Or should I quote my thesis, them bloody phallocrats!
Will I go on to the PhD? Highly likely. But I want to take my time to choose an area I would not lose interest in after one year. And also choose a supportive system to work under. I deserve that after all these years of sufferance. And I most probably wouldn't do a Phd until I am close to thirty. Why? Because there are other things I want to do first, and I also want to achieve something else first that perpetual studenthood has limited me from achieving. No, I don't mean getting married. (:
Anyway. Enough of a break so back to more proofing. To those who are still reading me, thanks for the support. I have more or less let my website gathered dust coz I've been too busy and lazy to update the new wings. Plus I need to revamp the damn thing to make it even more user friendly (to my visitors). And that needs money, which I don't have too much of at this moment :(
Oops, just remembered that I have to do a report for the committee that has kindly given me some funds to "alleviate" my expenses.
Take care ya all