Monday, October 03, 2005

What really happened in Kurdistan?

Most of what took place happened when I was a mere kid, so I had no recollection of it. Yet, a chance look at a press Ad produced for the AI sometime in the 1990s (yes, I write copies for a living now so am always look at ads for inspiration), brought this piece of history to the fore, almost 17 years since it happened. There is much conflicting views as to what is actual history, and I am including here a list of sites with conflicting views on what actually happened in Northern Iraq during the Saddam Hussein regime.

What happened in Kurdish Halabja?

A War Crime or an Act of War?

The Human Rights Watch report in 1991 that blame Iraq for genocide of the Kurds and for the conditions they were living in at refugee camps.

And here are more sites...

I am sure you will find more if you google. All I can say now is (since I am supposed to be writing copies, not blogs), the sufferings of the Kurds have become fodder for political manoeuverings, bickerings and finger pointings. Would this in effect improve their lives? NO...not when the living conditions of the majority of the people still borders on the abject

Thesis is about to come to an end (soon) so hopefully will have more time to do general reading instead of always them theories.