Friday, May 07, 2004

Latest news on meself

After having disappeared since last Fri, I am back again this Fri. I was and still am in Malaysia, though I am flying off to another land tomorrow morning. Don't worry, you will still be hearing from me, the erstwhile Malaysian.

There are a few things I would like to update all my readers on
1. I went to a celtic dance performance called Dance of Desire last Sunday. It was a long trip up and down from Genting Highlands, one of the most pretentious and garish Las Vegas wannabe in Malaysia. Ok, Genting (the company, not the place itself) is the only company in Malaysia licensed to run a casino. So, now you know where the people, unsatiated by mahjongs, card games, lottery tickets and the share market, would play the Russian roulette. For the information of my international readers non used to Malay, Genting means "steep/urgent". The dance performance is alright, though I could see that the sensuous desire rousing bit would come from the costumes and sexy body movements (though very tame by any standards). Though I got a bit lost during the story-dance-narration, I enjoyed the fluid body movements and resolve to take up tap-dancing (since I doubt I can take up Irish step dancing here). There was also some jazzy modern influence, as the dancers also cakewalked, with a hint of modern ballet (less pointy toe and more contemporary movements beyond the arabesque, pirouettes and gallops). I thought cake-walking is one of the most sensuous bit, and the African American dancers were traditionally known for that.

2. I am now a published poet! Ok, not in such a big way as yet, but hey, I am trying to break into creative writing, instead of always writing measly book reviews, magazine features and interviews. Not that I didn't enjoy those. I did and it has honed my writing skills quite a lot. Not to mention the many press releases I used to have to prepare at work (a practise in nondescript stylistics, an oxymoron I know).
Ok, here is the link
You should read some of the other poems published. They are quite insightful and good.

3. I have spent most of my week reading and reading. I am still reading Luce Irigaray's The Sex which is not One I am reading academic papers (for my research purpose), reading online articles and various other stuff. Speaking of which, I think you should check out Good stuff. They try to be as international as they can, though currently constrained and their outlook is still rather American. I suppose you know that I used to do book reviews for them.

I should and will update some of the other parts of the site soon. Maybe when I get back from my trip. Feeling rather lazy at the moment. Today's morning was rather busy for me, as I spent it on a focus group research. Now I need to transcribe tapes...errgh. And, I have got some books to review. Plus a short story and poem to review. And two, three or more unfinished tasks.

Have a nice weekend ya all

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