Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lack of South East Asia Language translator?

I personally believe, and I will later use facts and figures (such 'objective' measurements!), that the number of its users and its hegemony within the information-cyber network determines the availability/probability of the language being included in the list of web language translation tools. It is definitely difficult to find any that allows you to translate Malay to English, and the only website listed as being able to do so is not available. Let me know if any of you out there could enter because I sure can't from home. Reason for doing this is because I am curious to see how my Malay articles will look like once subjected to the machinations and polishing of natural language computational tools. Being highly interested in how intuitive language can translate itself into language AIs, I hope to later pursue my studies in this area.

Looks like, for now, I have to personally translate my Malay articles into English since I cannot afford to pay a good translator to do the dirty work for me. (: