Monday, May 09, 2005

NAM women's meeting

Taken from The Star, 9th May 2005

A good turn-out

DELEGATES from more than 76 countries who have confirmed participation in the NAM Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women (MMAW) in Kuala Lumpur from May 7 to May 10 began arriving on Friday.

As delegates began to converge for registration, security at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC), where the meeting is being held, was tightened.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, as host minister, said she was pleased with the good response from NAM member countries towards the meeting.

The main objectives of the two-day meeting, themed “Empowering Women in Facing the Challenges of Globalisation”, are to share experiences among member countries on best practices, achievements, and gaps and challenges in empowering women; and on achieving gender equality, peace and development.

It was preceded by the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), which was held on Saturday. Chaired by Women, Family and Community Development secretary-general Datuk Faizah Mohd Tahir, the SOM met to draft the Putrajaya Declaration on the Empowerment of Women in NAM countries.

The declaration will be considered for adoption on the second day of the Ministerial Meeting.


I hope that something good will come out of this meeting.

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