Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Now I know why opening paragraphs are so very unenticing. (:
I've been attending a copywriter workshop at a small outfit in Kuala Lumpur, and while I've learnt quite a bit from the feedback, I've also learnt how to start analysing myself more stringently. The latter has to do with self-awareness more than anything else.

As my boss always says, and as my former senior writer also says, I have to be ever more brutal in editing every word and sentence, which I sometimes fail to do , due to a lack of consistent discipline. But if I can master the art of writing a piece that will capture attention, when the last thing you want to read in newspapers are advertisements (unless you are already interested in that particular product or category of product), it will help me even if I do other forms of writing. And I am beginning to be more observant of flaws that my own writing has. And it moves beyond grammar and sentence construction. It is so easy for me to write flabbily when I have not completely mastered the art of self-discipline.

So, even if your first draft is the outpourings of your soul and mind, the final draft has to be poised, well-groomed and crafted, without losing the soul and spirit of that story. Difficult to achieve eh? Somehow,learning how to be flexible will definitely stand me in good stead as I give flavour to my writing style, as well as to my characters.

I've also become more creative nowadays, and I think, copywriting can be a great stimulation tool, if used correctly. Now, I need to do more yoga to channel that inner resource more productively.

And if it seems I have said this all before, yeah I have, just rewriting it to remind myself. (:

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