Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Really Writingy

You know, I've really not been doing any real writing in a long while. I mean as in writing for pleasure, for myself, creatively and to channel my thoughts and analysis through think pieces.

I've been lying low for a long while, away from the creative constellation of the city I am living in. Teaching takes up too much time, as do a sundry of other projects.

My resolution beginning this week, meaning from Wed on, is to read a chapter of a novel a day or a poem or two. After all, as a freelancer, I am a master of my time so should stop complaining about being too busy. Started a little on Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons but never completed it as I got distracted with reading other stuff. Mostly academic stuff or political stuff.

Now I need to grow my creative vibes

Hell, I'm growing older, so if there's no time now, there never will be

So from tomorrow onwards, I'll try to post, as regularly as I can, what I'm reading for the moment, and my thoughts on what I read

And if you haven't watched this movie Goya's Ghosts, I suggest doing so now. Sterling performances and the unfiltered history of Europe, filth and all.

And of course, there's Goya, that schizophrenic painter of realism (even though he wasn't from the school of realist painters, as his paintings were more in the fashion of the old masters such as Leonardo, Raphael, and some Dutch artists)

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