Tuesday, March 30, 2004

101 things

I have, to quote one of my bosses, 101 things to do for these past few days, hence the sparseness of updates. Bad excuse, I know. I realise that I need to find a more effective way of sorting out not only my work, but my personal life. Hard when one knows that one is an impulsive person who likes to live spontaneously. Trying to categorise between work, personal work (as in work done outside work hours) and personal life (which includes, among other things, my social life, family life, other lives (not saying), hobbies and personal interests done to merely feed my satisfaction and ego (doh!)

I thought that blogging could help organise my thoughts, besides being a receptacle to my thoughts, ravings, rants and jottings.

Since I started blogging more regularly 3 weeks back, there is of course a few things added/revived on a professional and personal side. Professional being that I have got a research ongoing, and on a person front...not telling in this public-private blog :P

Hope that all of you would have a better day than me. Oh yeah, gonna attend something tonight which I will enlighten you about later. Ta ta, my sweeties.

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